
I am not trying to paint the perfect flower, i want to find the freedom of the brush...
I want to detach myself from the actual flower to enjoy freely from painting and creating. Not thinking. Getting lost in the process and everything starts to flow.

Look at usual things with unusual eyes
Notice how present a flower is, how surrendered to life.
The plant that you have in your home - have you ever truly looked at it? Have you allowed that familiar yet mysterious being we call plant to teach you its secrets?
Have you noticed how deeply peaceful it is? How it is surrounded by a field of stillness? The moment you become aware of a plant's emanation of stillness and peace, that plant becomes your teacher.
Watch an animal, a flower, a tree, and see how it rests in Being. It is itself. It has enormous dignity, innocence, and holiness. However, for you to see that, you need to go beyond the mental habit of naming and labeling.
The moment you look beyond mental labels, you feel that ineffable dimension of nature that cannot be understood by thought or perceived through the senses.
It is a harmony, a sacredness that permeates not only the whole of nature but is also within you.
Eckhart Tolle

Major Milestones
Creativity is experimenting, growing, taking risks, ignore rules, making faults and having fun.